Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

2024 Photo Opp Juried Photo Show

Submission Terms and Conditions

  1. All photographers who submit a photo must live in Wisconsin.
  2. Photographs must be owned by the photographer who is submitting it to the 2024 Photo Opp Juried Photo Show.
  3. All rights of the submissions will remain with the photographer. 
  4. If a submission hanging in the Gallery at 621 N Bateman St, Appleton,WI is sold, Photo Opp will retain a 35% commission for the sale.
  5. Submissions must not contain obscenity, explicit sexual material, profanity, graphic violence, calls or incitement to violence, commercial solicitation or commercial promotion. 
  6. Submissions must conform to local law and must not contain content or images that could be considered abusive, inflammatory, denigrating, or disrespectful to any of the Photo Opp or to any groups, individuals or institutions. 
  7. Submissions must adhere in appearance and in fact to the norms of civil discourse. In other words, all submissions must be suitable for a global, public audience.
  8. You allow Photo Opp to use your submissions for promoting the current and future Juried Photo Shows and for Contest Sponsor marketing and social media uses. You allow your image to be printed in a 'zine of the gallery that will be for sale as a fundraiser for Photo Opp. You provide the right to the Photo Opp to replicate your submissions for these uses. 
  9. If your submission is admitted to the Gallery show at 621 N Bateman St, Appleton,WI, you agree to not hold Photo Opp accountable for any damage or theft to your submission and you will hold insurance for its value if you deem that it is necessary.

Photograph Terms and Conditions

  1. All submitted photographs must have been made with a camera, whether film, digital, cell phone or tablet.  No artificially (AI) generated images are allowed, and no use of artificially (AI) generative fill can be used in post production.  Any use of these tools will automatically disqualify the submission from the 2024 Photo Opp Juried Photo show.
  2. The use of smart tools, or AI powered enhancement tools is possible as long as the use of these tools do not lead to significant changes to the photo as a whole, introduce new information to the image,  nor remove more than 10% of the image that was captured by the camera.
  3. Some examples of tools where limited usage would be allowed are adjustments that have existed in Photoshop and like programs before the widespread introduction of AI, such as denoise, automatic adjustments (e.g. on level, color, contrast) and object selection for local adjustments.
  4. Tools that immediately breach the 2024 Photo Opp Juried Photo Show rules and are not allowed are all AI powered tools that would use AI for replacing areas, significantly altering components, etc. that would render the photo incongruent to the original photo.
  5. Composite images are allowed, providing that all the content is from your own photographs.
  6. If the jurors have any questions regarding your submission, Photo Opp reserves the right to request a copy of the original photograph prior to post-processing to be used for comparison.

This call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions